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The highest price is $358.00 Default input value is USD

  • Boulder turquoise Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $49.00
    Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body. It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain.
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  • Kingman turquoise Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $43.00
    Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body. It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain.
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  • Mystic topaz Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • Sold Out
    Insight gained through the influence of topaz encourages clarity and a deeper understanding of ones self and the areas around personal expansion and growth. Clearer thinking improves overall health, and the ability to trust others is encouraged as clarity provides understanding and insight into those around you.
  • Citrine Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $39.00
    Citrine Crystals bring happiness, joy and other positive things and situations into your life! They are well known as potent healing crystals for you to use to help you.
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  • Pyrite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $37.00
    Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed
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  • Dendrite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $36.00
    In addition to the generic healing properties of Agate and Chalcedony, Dendritic Agate brings fullness and abundance to all areas of life. It is the stone of plenitude. It creates a peaceful environment and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. Deepens your connection to the earth.
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  • Shungite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $26.00
    Shungite is a carbon-rich stone that's believed to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and EMF exposure. Some also claim it can purify water and relieve emotional stress.
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  • Rainbow moonstone Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $44.00
    Rainbow moonstone is thought to bring balance, harmony and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. Rainbow moonstone is believed to help strengthen intuition and psychic perception, especially offering us visions of things that aren't immediately obvious
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  • Garnet Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $27.00
    It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope.
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  • Polychrome Jasper Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $30.00
    Its grounding and centering properties will strengthen your connection to Mother Earth. Polychrome Jasper's healingenergy will help you discover positive changes that will revitalize your life. Known as a supreme nurturer, Polychrome Jasper allows you to find your center and helps to feel safe and happy.
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  • Turquoise Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver rings
  • $35.00
    Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is excellent for depression and exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.
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  • Meteorite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $55.00
    Since Meteorite Crystal can heal a lot of physical illnesses and diseases, you can use it to assist with physical growth, anemia, stamina, fatigue, blood problems, and addiction.
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  • Labradorite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $49.00
    This iridescent stone is highly mystical and protective, a bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura, and prevents energy leakage. It can take you into another world or into other lives.
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  • Black Onyx Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $33.00
    A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief.
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  • Smoky Quartz Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $45.00
    Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies. Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams
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  • Larimar Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $30.00
    Larimar is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love energy.
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  • Sterling Silver Amethyst Size 7 Rings
  • $35.00
    Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities
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  • Amazonite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $36.00
    Balances the masculine and feminine energies. Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view. It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear. Dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system.
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  • Labradorite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $26.00
    Just like the Northern Lights that illuminate the winter skies of the hard north, Labradorite doesn’t shy away from beauty, grace, mysticism, and great healing powers. While sometimes the world can strip us of our much-needed energy and precious resources, Labradorite teaches us how to bring life-giving energy to all areas of our souls – from the body to the...
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  • Charoite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $47.00
    It cleanses the aura and chakras by transmuting negative energy into healing. It opens our hearts and stimulates unconditional love. Re-energises, reducing stress and worry. Charoite stimulates and regulates the blood pressure and pulse rate.
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  • Blue Topaz Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $34.00
    Blue topaz, in particular, is believed to promote truth and forgiveness, relaxing the spirit as well as the body. Those who use meditation advocate it as a splendid stone for attuning to their higher self.
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  • Aquamarine Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $33.00
    Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion.
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  • Lapis Lazuli Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $26.00
    Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation. It alleviates insomnia and vertigo, and overcomes depression.
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  • Assorted Stone Size 6 Sterling Silver Rings
  • $26.00
    Assorted Stone Size 6 Sterling Silver Rings
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  • Peanut wood Jasper Size-6 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $34.00
    Known as the “Stone of the Earth,” peanut wood jasper is a survival stone renowned for grounding and stabilizing emotions. During difficult times, a piece of petrified wood is believed to provide strength and support to the wearer by providing insight into cause and effect.
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  • Iolite Size-6 Rings Sterling Silver
  • Sold Out
    Aids in providing you with direction and guidance (physical and spiritual) Instills hope during difficult times. Promotes feelings of peace, calming, and tranquility. Assists in communication with your inner-self so you can better understand how you're feeling.  
  • Seraphinite Size 6 Sterling silver rings
  • $40.00
    Seraphinite promotes living from the heart. It cleanses the aura, strengthens, activates and balances all chakras. Causes old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, thus creating space for new patterns of well-being to form. Seraphinite is healing for nerves and brain cells.
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  • Morado Opal Size-6 Rings Sterling Silver
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    Morado Opal carries the energy of the Violet Flame that both cleanses and purifies our upper chakras and opens us up to higher interdimensional energies. It helps to purify and to transform us spiritually making us much more spiritually aware and bringing harmony to our entire being.
  • Turquoise Size 6 Sterling Silver Rings
  • $41.00
    Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is excellent for depression and exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.
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  • Amazonite Size 6 Sterling Silver Rings
  • $33.00
    Balances the masculine and feminine energies. Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view. It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear. Dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system.
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