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The highest price is $358.00 Default input value is USD

  • Azurite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $73.00
    Azurite jewelry is quite easy to buy, including bead necklaces. It is a useful healing stone that can aid issues such as migraines, tinnitus and inner ear issues causing vertigo. It is said to help to clear toxins from the body, through its action to heal the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
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  • Assorted Stones Size -6 Rings Sterling Silver Pt 2
  • $32.00
    Assorted Stones Size -6 Rings Sterling Silver Pt 2
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  • Druzy Agate Size 6 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $45.00
    Many believe that druzy harbors metaphysical properties; that the stone purifies and amplifies the body's natural healing abilities and strengthens the spirit. The druzy is also thought to provide the balance necessary to avoid depression or unnatural feelings of fear or dread.
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  • Assorted Stones Size -6 Rings Sterling Silver Pt 1
  • $27.00
    Assorted Stones Size -6 Rings Sterling Silver Pt 1
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  • Watermelon tourmaline Size- 6 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $35.00
    Watermelon Tourmaline is a very powerful heart stone that is here to help calm and soothe your emotions. It helps one access and unlock the deepest parts of one's heart, pushing one to fully cleanse and heal all emotional wounds.
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  • Ammonite Size -7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $47.00
    The Ammonite is a very powerful earth healing fossil. Ammonites have absorbed cosmic energy over eons of timeand help to stimulate the life force (Chi) within. Ammonites are often used for activating Kundalini and life path energies
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  • Sterling Silver Ammolite Rings Size 7
  • $47.00
    Ammolite is often used by crystal healers to help find personal awakening, as the stone is intended to connect you with the environment on both a physical and spiritual level. The stone connects to the root chakra and can help the individual channel and tune their energies.
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  • Assorted Stone Size -7 Rings Sterling Silver Pt 1
  • $28.00
    Peanutwood Jasper K2 Jasper    
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  • Pink opal Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • Sold Out
    Pink Opal is a stone of love and gentleness, bringing energies of gentle love and kindness to all types of relationships. Physically, it is helpful for eyesight, heart disease and injury, Parkinson's disease, lungs, and spleen. It is also helpful for diabetes and hypoglycemia.
  • Bandit Onyx Size -7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $95.00
    Banded Onyx can help build one's inner strength and physical strength and vitality. This banded form of Onyxcan aid one with one's personal power by allowing one to become focussed and positive in thought, to endure and follow through with one's ideas and gives one control over one's actions and aids self-discipline.
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  • Gaspeite Size -7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $41.00
    Gaspeite stones are rare gemstones that are colored green and are commonly seen in Native American jewelry stores. Gaspeite stones are very rare stones because they are only seen in two places in the world. These places are Canada and Australia.
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  • Opal Size -7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $31.00
    Metaphysical and spiritual healing properties of Opal crystal are associated with bringing spirituality, awareness, and spiritual light to the wearer. Wearing this stone will enhance conciseness and invoke visions, psychic abilities, and intuition.
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  • Ruby Size -7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $34.00
    Increases vitality. Enhances motivation. Stimulates Tantric energy. Promotes the rising of the Kundalini. Encourages the exploration of new thoughts and ideas. Enhances feelings of passion (both in life and in relationships) Aids in opening the Heart Chakra. Creates feelings of divine love.  
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  • Iolite Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $44.00
    Like a crisp, dark winter sky, Iolite, in shifting shades of violet-blue carries the spirit of journey, of dreams and intuition, of exploration and illumination. It is known as the Vikings' Compass, and provides the vision to move us, physically and spiritually, from one realm to the next.
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  • Kyanite Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $35.00
    Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly. It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body. Kyanitehas a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility. It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels.
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  • Multi Stone Size -7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $85.00
    Peridot, Garnet, Blue Topaz, Amethyst ,
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  • Tiger’s Eye Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $31.00
    A stone of protection, Tiger's Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. 
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  • Pearl Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $41.00
    It enhances personal integrity and helps to provide a focus to ones attention. Pearl symbolises purity and is known as a “stone of sincerity”. It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. Inhibits boisterous behaviour
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  • Rhodochrosite Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $46.00
    Rhodochrosite is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energising the soul. Rhodochrositeopens the heart, lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook. It improves self worth and soothes emotional stress.
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  • Green amethyst Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $37.00
    helps one to act on higher guidance and follow ones heart upon the path of spirit. It opens the crown and third eye chakras and stimulates inner vision, connection and communication with inter-dimensional beings such as fairies. It also supports shamanic healing work and activating the Light Body.
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  • Malachite Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $45.00
    Malachite is the essence of joy and is known as the "stone of transformation" because it helps reveal and heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself. It is especially helpful in bringing ease during times of change and gives the insight needed for personal growth.
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  • Fluorite Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $65.00
    It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluoriteincreases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.
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  • Herkimer diamond Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $29.00
    Herkimer Diamond is a master healer, it has the power to amplify and speed up all healingprocesses. By removing energetic blocks, it will put the body in balance and increase energy flow. This stimulates the immune and circulatory systems and works to purify the body through eliminating toxins
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  • Shell Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • Sold Out
    Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.
  • Dendritic opal Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $45.00
    Dendritic Opal increases spiritual growth, allowing one to be more consciously aware of their own personal life's experience. It brings harmony and balance into life by allowing the higher vibrational frequencies to integrate more easily
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  • Watermelon tourmaline Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $29.00
    Watermelon Tourmaline is a combination of pink and green Tourmaline that soothes the heart and counters anger or resentment. Used in meditation it assists with calming the mind and the emotions, allowing us to release stress.
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  • Rose Quartz Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $28.00
    Rose quartz spiritual properties are deep and touch the inner longing of your soul. Its soft color works with your broken heart and free self-resentments and anger that your soul is suffering from in years. Rose quartz will create a sense of calmness for the inner peace and self-healing.
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  • Clear Quartz Size 7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $45.00
    Clear Quartz is possibly the most versatile, multipurpose and powerful healing stone available, due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer that can be used for any and all conditions. It stimulates the immune system, reinstates bodily balance and restores and amplifies energy systems.
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  • Peridot Size-7 Rings Sterling Silver
  • $24.00
    Known as the stone of compassion, peridot is believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind. This friendly bright green stone also has the uncanny ability to inspire eloquence and creativity; it also brings delight and good cheer.
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