PHONE 516-600-9430

Muscovite Rough

Product Descriptions

Muscovite is a powerful energy magnifier and protector. It calls forth our own Highest Self, helping us to better trust our own judgement and decision-making skills. It increase our discernment, so we can recognize which people, places and activities support us, and which ones hold us back. Muscovite gives us courage to make difficult decisions, including purging toxic people from our lives. It protects us from direct psychic attacks as well as from more general negative energy. It helps us to detach any negative psychic cords that link us to others and to keep them from reattaching. Muscovite enhances telepathy, clairvoyance, astral travel, and helps us to be more receptive to the messages of our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. It also helps us feel more comfortable while spiritually awakening, so that we’re not overwhelmed by information downloads. It is recommended for earth healing grids, particularly along meridian lines.

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